Monday 23 December 2013

Permanently untitled

Thursday 17 October 2013


Untitled #2

Untitled #1

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Been away

Sorry for the break folks. But the roof on chez Sledge has been leaking.
You have no idea how profound a downer this is. Especially in country WA where the sun is always supposed to shine and we’re always supposed to be short of water to the point of drought.
But this winter, things have been different. We’ve had rain storms. And one of them came in through the rotten caulking/flashing around the flue — the out-pipe from the wood stove.
The ceiling now looks like my face in the bathroom mirror.


No don’t.

So the insurance mob have been in. Could be my failure to maintain said flue. I mean often do you think to yourself: Oh yeh, let’s go up on the roof and inspect the flue?

Life is strange. And the insurance industry is even stranger.

Monday 8 July 2013


After 70 years, the Brits are allowed to read diplomatic dispatches. Imagine being the Ambassador to Moscow in 1943. Probably colder than Minjup in July, dreary as hell. Culture consisted of watching such films as Ukraine in Flames and contemplating the fall-out from the Battle of Kiev. Still ... they had films and battles. In that respect much better than Minjup ... if you discount rows between the bogans across the road. So here’s one such communiqué from the Ambassador to Lord Pembroke, his superior at the Foreign Office. Enjoy. Especially if you’re cold.

Click to enlarge