Tuesday, 22 September 2009

SIDOEL: Sledge's Intermittent Dictionary of the English Language

ADF: The only institution in Australia which does not discriminate on the grounds of race, sex, religion, age or ability.
Aperitif: Dentures.
Brownlow Medal: Frocks and Jocks.
Brown-nose Medal: Special award for K. Miller and R.S. Whittington.
Bumbling: Anal jewellery.
England: A nation divided into four classes: those who have never heard of grocers; grocers; those in the grocery queue; and those without enough money to buy groceries.
Ginnit: A cylindrical predecessor to the wheel; as seen on the cars in The Flintstones. Hence the expression “rolling ginnit” — which its inventor was.
Garf: One who doubts, sometimes in a concrete way, the phenomenal appearance of the social world.
Garfish: Adj. Tending towards being a garf. Mad. His garfish attempt to get a cabbage dry-cleaned.
Homophone: Gay Help Line.
Myriad: A little lamb.
Pesticide: Death by alcohol poisoning in New Zealand.
Political asylum: House of Representatives Question Time.
Polyamorous: Having a perverted desire for Psittaciformes.
Psycho-social: A bogan party.
Quote: Always a verb, unless you get it from a tradesman.
Sanctity: A Frenchwoman with five breasts.
Stiftung: Endowment made by a German university for exemplary work in Cunning Linguistics.
Systematic: A robot nun.
They: Non-gender-specific personal pronoun, singular. “I want one volunteer. They should step forward now”. Good enough for Jane Austen, good enough for Sledge. Ditto for “their” as the possessive pronoun.
Tradescantia: The plumbette wearing only singlet and knickers.
Womaniser: What someone who can’t get a shag calls a bloke who can get lots anywhere. Fem: “mole”.
Wunch: Collective terms for bankers.
Zif: Object of mysterious origins: “a zif from nowhere”.