Sure ways to lift random obnubilation:
(a) Listen to .mp3s of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, original BBC prog.
Here are three good reasons why:
1. It has Peter Jones's voice as The Book, saying "Don't Panic!" on several occasions.
2. It has the worst baddie in literary/radio/film history: Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz.
3. It considers the word "Belgium" to be the most disgusting swear-word in the Universe.
(b) Don't communicate with former lovers unless you have children in common.
(c) Regardless of your sexual preferences, pretend you're having an affair with Audrey Hepburn and that she's, even now, in your bathroom.
(d) Buy anything made by Coopers.
(e) Drink the latter while doing (a) and (c).
(f) Avoid the word "ideology"; it has no meaning.
(g) Stay away from Minjup in the winter.