Wednesday, 27 August 2008

As they say: spring is in the air.
All the usual signs: like you need the heater on in the ute in the morning and the air con by noon.
And the wattle (Acacia acinacea) blooming in the bush all the way up to Blyton.

As someone said for different reasons that may also be applicable in my case: "buckets of snot and eyes like red carnations".
A few other signs too, not to be mentioned on a G-rated blog.

Saw that Prof for the first time in a while yesterday while I was out in the garden killing European weeds.
He didn't look too good.
Asked me if I could put his rubbish bins out tonight as he'd be away.
Had a peek in the recycling only to find hundreds of completed crosswords and some old friends from my band days with whom I used to take varieties of coke.
Messrs Jameson, Grant, Bell, Dewar, Haig, Walker and company.
No wonder he looked like Dracula on bad speed.
Still, whatever he's doing, he's doing it quietly.
Which is how we like things down here in Minjup.

Should also mention that it's The Don's 100th birthday.
I shall open cheap bubbly tonight -- after evening M*A*S*H, good lapsed half-Catholic that I am -- to celebrate.
So why isn't 27th August a pubic holiday?
Long live The Don and ferk The Queen!
(Don't you feel sorry for Phil ο Έλληνας -- he must've done it at least twice?)

der Schlitten