Monday 13 April 2009

Caught in the cross fire

As if Easter wasn't bad enough there's this story about stupid christists lighting up 400 hay bales in the form of a cross.
That's $20,000 worth.
Surely there must be something better to do with so much hay in the middle of a massive drought?
Lord, don't forgive them for they know precisely what they do.

I wouldn't mind so much if they chucked themselves on the fire and took the rest of WA's bleeding jesus freaks with them.
Give me a load of four-by-twos and some nails and I'd happily provide my own hammer and crucify the lot of them.
Then we could at least recycle the wood.

If you're into idolatry, it's incumbent upon you to emulate that which you idolise.
Pity the Romans didn't do a better job in ancient Palestine is my view.