That's because it's a League competition which lasts all season and United needed a single point (which is what you get for a draw) to be unbeatable by their nearest rivals, Liverpool.

38 games a season with 3 pts for a win and 1 pt for a draw.
Do the arithmetic.
Now the real-football-sceptics will have to get their heads around this: Barcelona pulled off a similar feat at the weekend in the Spanish League and they didn't even play!
Their only rivals (Real Madrid) lost and so could not possibly win La Liga.
Incidentally, the same thing can happen in the not-Australian not-Rules not-Football not-League.
At least as far as the "minor premiership" goes.
But of course, all that topping the "minor premiership" stats means is that you were the best team over the whole season.
Then you have to go into a knock-out competition to actually win anything.
So last year, Geelong were clearly the best team in the AFL but won nothing, having lost one game, the not-particularly-grand final.
This is like saying to Manchester United: sorry, we strip you of your uncontested position as national champions because you didn't win a pissy knock-out comp called the FA Cup -- which they can't cos they're not in the final (yet to be played out by non-entities Chelsea and Everton).
What sense is there in that?
Sadly, the real football A-"League" in Australia uses the same nonsensical structure.
PS to Geraldine: in real football we don't "kick" goals; we score them.
Neither do we have "umpires"; we have referees.