Thursday, 9 July 2009

Pissing down

No, not a local weather report ... though it would be accurate.
Rather to report that Shakespeare's wonderful clown from The Two Gents, Launce, makes his appearance in today's Times crossword (24273).
He gets one of my favourite (though rarely quoted) lines from the Bard.
Launce to his dog, Crab:
when didst thou see me heave up my leg and make water on a gentlewoman's farthingale?
This led my twisted brain to ruminate on [the] articles -- definite and indefinite -- in English.
I once had a friend from an Eastern European country (where they don't have such articles) who simply couldn't understand why we need them and refused to use them.
Tried explaining the difference between mass and count nouns ... but that didn't wash either.
Said friend only became interested in the matter after asking the hostess at a posh dinner party: "Would you be kind enough to pass water?"