Thursday, 30 July 2009

Self-sentenced to community service

Oh yeh, forgot to mention ... another thing that's been taking up my time is that I saw this notice outside the supermarket in Blyton.
The Minjup Shire Support Association were advertising for volunteer drivers to take the frail and elderly to their medical appointments.
They seemed to be very short-handed so I signed up.
They teamed me up with a bloke called Norm who called himself a "spert" (as opposed to an "expert") -- "a drip under pressure".
He was very nice -- even if he was born in Birkenhead (UK) -- and showed me how to get a wheelchair patient safely on and off the back of the transporter.
We took an old gal up to Wellington Street in Perth and back again.
Doesn't seem to be too difficult a job and I should be able to manage a couple of days a week cos I don't have any courses this semester.
Off on my first solo trip this arvo: but apparently they only want me to take the MSSA annual reports up to the central organisation in East Perth.
Isn't it always the way: you think you're going to be dealing with flesh and blood and you end up with more paperwork?