Monday, 3 August 2009

A fairy tale

Last week, in my role as tour guide, I had the misfortune to be back in Fre-ferkin-mantle.
Went to the PO to pay the outrageous rego on the ute and had to wait outside for a while.
As I was waiting, I saw a not unprepossessing young lady walking from the direction of the station with three little girls in tow.
Each was dressed as a fairy, the quartet no doubt on their way to the place where fairy parties are held.
(I know about this because my friend "Fairy Ginger" works there to keep the wolf from the door -- to such lengths are mature-age students driven to be sure the portal cavity is deluperificated.)

Anyhow, in the distance, I could see one of the fairies had a wand and was pointing it at passers-by, uttering what I took to be white magic spells.
As she got closer, however, resplendent in white-and-fuchsia taffeta dress, wings and plastic tiara, she pointed at myself and several other ex-PO-users with the words "KILL, KILL, KILL ...".
One curse for each of us, with a distinctly aggressive downward motion of said wand.

All I can say is: beware innocence in disguise.
Of course I blame Fremantle hippiedom and its tendency to let young persons read J.K. Rowling unsupervised.
A certain second-hand bookshop I visited had the apocryphal Harry Pot-head and the Philosophers Get Stoned on the shelves.