Thursday, 22 October 2009

Entomological update: Calling names

Shitipedia itself refers to the "sledgehammer" origin but separates that from Percy and his song.
Of the latter, it has the following:
According to the BBC’s Pat Murphy: “My understanding is that it came from the mid-sixties and a guy called Graham Calling, who used to open the bowling for New South Wales and Australia … apparently the suggestion was that this guy’s wife was [having an affair] with another team-mate, and when he came into bat [the fielding team] started singing When a Man Loves A Woman, the old Percy Sledge number.”
As this was a sound grab, it's impossible to substantiate now.
Still, it must have been 1966 or later.
But this is the one I like best and I'd love to know what was originally in those first square brackets!

Update: it's a mis-hearing of the broadcast.
Should be Grahame Corling.