You get the Splendid Fairy Wren (Malurus splendens) and the Red-winged Fairy Wren (Malurus elegans).
They flock around together, often with a bunch of Silvereyes (Zosterops lateralis) for company.
This time of year, the male Splendids are not in their full bright blue breeding colour (they breed from September to January) but the male Red-wings compensate.
You can tell the girl from the boy Splendids by virtue of the former having orange/tan beaks and eye-rings.
They're fascinating to watch: hoppping around, then zipping off at full speed accompanied by a quiet rustling sound on take-off.
They're very hard to photo because they're the nearest thing to nothing that still hops and flies.
One trick is to put out some little bits of crumbled cheese.
They love that; but it's probably not good for them, so go easy.
Didn't take my zoom with me on this trip, so I didn't get any pics.
Last time I had the zoom in wren territory was a while ago in Denmark.
Here's a wee Red-wing from that trip, getting stuck into the formaggio.
Cute eh?
