Today is the Winter Solstice and I have the fan on!
The nice man from Blyton Salvage came around with 20 huge limestone blocks and 10 flagstones.
$95 including his 16km round trip in the truck.
All this so I could dig out some rotting wood that the previous owner of Chez Sledge [aka Le nid des hiboux] had kindly used to shore up a garden bed and, into the bargain, make a bit of a path through what I hope to be TEOEW (The End Of European Weeds) Stage 1.
Not enough Glyphosate in the world for that I fear.
(At least not when it's been suitably dropped into all the hippies' orange juices.)
Knew I was getting on a bit, but not until I had to carry all those buggers.
No need to water Stage 1: it's already drenched in my sweat.
A few Kunzea baxteri to go in there tomorrow as a hedge against EWs.
