Away from the lovely environs of Minjup on Friday and Saturday to visit Sledgette Major.
Picked her up from chez Mrs Sledge #1's where she was staying with Mother for a while to avoid her partner-sprog dramas.
Then back to her place, partner-sprogs having left ... drama over.
No ferkin toasted sandwiches though, so maybe a tad frosty.
Gave the garage a good dose of Coopex to kill off what appeared to be white-tailed spiders.
(She has to get it ready for when Mrs Sledge #1 donates her the "family" car.)
Left me last night to catch up with the Prof for a short while.
He has good taste in beer: a stash of Cascade Stout in his fridge.
Even if the outside temperature was measureable in degrees Kelvin.
We had a good chat around his wood stove, comparing the music industry to academic life.
They turn out to be strangely similar.
If you're WA-born, the sign of "making it" is success in the eastern states or, even better, overseas.
Sticking around here is the mark of abject failure.
Crispin's family -- few of whom seem to remain -- are of seriously local stock.
His full name, it turns out, is Crispin Victor Warren-Piesse: descended, as he is, from Frederick Henry Piesse, the man who founded Katanning.
He thought it a family duty to stay on and so ferked up his academic career for the above reasons, inetr alia.
I wonder what kind of place it is such that you have to bugger off to be known.
What a state we are in.