Just got in from the garden and heard on the 2pm RN News that the leader of the Yippies has touched Australian soil, wearing cream robes and red shoes.
Nice to see the old traditions being retained.
(Bet he has a paisley girl's blouse underneath.)
Obviously a great person to whom to entrust the souls of Australian youth.
I was out planting a bit of ground-cover, some herbs and vegies.
Got all this stuff yesterday up at the nursery around Millbrook.
Kind lady there gave me a bag of used coffee grounds from her machine.
Apparently, this will keep the snails away from my delicate growths.
She told me the residual caffeine would give the snails "a natural heart attack".
This makes me wonder about what coffee does to us, about snails' hearts, about the naturalness or otherwise of heart attacks ... and quite a number of other, equally recondite, matters that I won't bore you with.
Maybe I should just catch the snails and eat them.
"Forty million Frenchmen can't be wrong", as someone once said.
(Or was it: "For DeMille, fur henchmen can't be rowing"?)
If you feed them on sawdust for a week or so, that gets rid of all their internal nasties and makes them fit for consumption -- with a little garlic and butter, as I remember.
Perhaps I could try a mix of sawdust and coffee grounds so they'd be (a) purged, then (b) suitably dead, and finally (c) the world's only espresso snails.
So much for slow food, I'm off for fish and chips tonight.