Watching the TV news last night, it was good to see that Chief Yippie Benedict had made a concession to Australian custom by wearing a Gumnut Babies' hat, albeit in cream to match his frock.
Now there's a great idea for a uniform when Australia next hosts CHOGM!
Equally good to see Ratzinger's followers parading through Sydney draped in flags and strumming guitars.
Just like 1967 all over.
Now, when was the last time we saw a Kraut in uniform massing the adoring crowds like this?
Being of Italian-Norwegian stock, my German is pretty bad but, for reasons I know not, the following bit of Wagner's Tristan (used by Eliot in his The Waste Land) kept coming to me:
Frisch weht der Wind
Der Heimat zu
Mein Irisch Kind,
Wo weilest du?
Absolutely no idea how these things are connected; I don't think I know any Irish Ki(n)ds.
Memo to self: consult shrink on this one.