Wednesday, 6 August 2008

For reasons I hope to divulge over the next few days or so, I've spent the day watching "serious" films.
With a mouth like a Besser block after my latest visit to Frank's, I popped into Blyton Video to check out their "festival" and "classics" sections.
At least it mostly involved lying down, so not too much of a chore.

The first one I watched was all about some red-headed Kraut bint running across the city to try to save her useless boyfriend from the abject failure of his latest hemionidic scam.
You could tell it was "art" because the characters kept asking questions that can't be answered and they were obviously short on plot ideas because they told pretty much the same story three times over.

The next one was about a bunch of people trying to get visas to get out of Morocco during WW2.
Looked like a walk in the park compared to the Trovatores trying to get out of that internment camp but a few years later (see profile).
Still it had a passable-looking Norwegian gal who reminded me a bit of my old Mum.

Now I really didn't get the third one.
All about some grumpy old US businessman looking for his lost sledge!
If I decide to recycle the motif for Sex And The Country, he'll have to be re-cast as a horse-riding cutie in jodhpurs.
