I've forgotten what ... maybe some songs with Stig or something.
So yesterday, Postwoman Pat arrived with a royalty check (NB spelling).
It was for US$ 18.34 -- a princely sum.
The original total was US$ 26.20 minus US$ 7.86 (33%) in Federal Tax.
So I took it to the bank and it came to AUS$ 21.58.
Just about enough, I thought, for a six-pack of Cooper's Stout (minus petrol costs for the journey from Minjup to the nearest WankBest on the outskirts of the city).
Then the very nice teller, Lynne, told me there was a AUS$ 15.00 charge for foreign currency conversion.
I got $6.58 in hand.
So, US$ 26.20 gross = AUS$ 6.58 net.
And no doubt I'll have to pay some of that to the ATO as well come 30th June 2010.
Even Lynne felt sorry for me!