Monday, 7 December 2009

The Kingdom of Many Flags

In a distant Kingdom, a long time ago, there was a man who was the Master of the Royal Flags.
He had many, many assistants: a whole department that liaised with the Makers of the Royal Flags; a maintenance section; apprentices in flag-keeping, usw.
His job was very important as he had to keep track of the myriad flags flown by the Royal Household.
Special flags for the King's birthday, for the Queen's, and separate ones for each of the many Princes and Princesses.
Unique arrangements for Royal births, marriages and deaths.
For sporting occasions, public holidays and festivals.

One night, although normally of sober disposition, this man got horribly drunk.
When he awoke the next morning, he had missed a very important event: the raising of the King's private ensign.
The King himself summoned the man but, being wise and benevolent, he neither cut off his head, nor even dismissed him.
Instead, he sent him back to the very bottom of the job ladder, to work his way up all over again.
If he was good enough.

Yes, he was made to do pennants.