But now he's here and they've called him Geordie.
God knows why ... on either count.
Obstetrics is a discipline outwith my ken ... naming is usually my forte ... but now I'm at a loss.
Far as I know, Geordies are strange people from the NE of England who speak their own incomprehensible language.
Like Scots, but with the shit kicked out of them.
Don't you love those ears though?
No one ever talks about ears or thinks about them for that matter.
You've heard of people getting nose jobs, boob jobs, nips and tucks everywhere.
But ears?
I hope his ears stay the same, and I'm going to follow suit as soon as I win the Lotto.
That's why everyone loved the Vulcans in Star Trek and the Elves in Lord of the Rings.
I can see it now: Sledge Legolas-Spock Trovatore.
Medical technology shall mean that we inherit the characteristics of our grandsons.
But this little bloke is really small.
Look at him next to me: